Wednesday, February 22, 2006


WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22/06 10.15 A.M.
Okay, Sam has a new meme in her blog and sent out the challenge to other bloggers to play along with her. So here's my contribution.

Current Clothing: Black wool pullover, jeans, striped cotton cap (my 'thinking cap' which I have to wear or the bird nests in my hair and bugs me when I'm trying to concentrate at the computer!)
Current Hair: It's a mess! Needs coloring and cutting but I'm trying to hold off until just before I leave for my trip to Malaysia. Consequently I'm wearing my caps a lot these days.
Current Mood: Woke up feeling fine and rested, ready to face a day of writing.
Current Refreshment: Just finished a cup of Greek coffee.
Current Annoyance: My bird Cheeky (a cockatiel) who thinks he's a writer too and has to hang out on my shoulder whenever I'm at the computer.
Current Avoidance: Sorting out all the material I have to yet write up about past travels. (As travel writing is my bread-and-butter, I have been terribly lax in this area. And now I'm off to Malaysia on an assignment/holiday I need to catch up and send some new stories out.)
Current Smell: The Greek coffee, I suppose.
Current Thing You Ought to be Doing: working on my novel!
Current Things on your Wall: My room is a gallery of Greece with pictures of the Muses, a turquoise plaque of Sappho, postcards of the Acropolis, a print of Achille's Triumph, a poster board with current outline for novel and other writing related stuff tacked on, a plaster head of Alexander the Great with a wreath of artificial flowers above it.
Current IM Person you're talking to: What's IM? The only 'person' I'm talking to is the bird. He thinks he's a person.
Current jewellry: A silver dolphin ring; a silver ring in Greek key pattern. Oops, I forgot to put on my earrings!
Current Book: Fellow blogger Scott Oden's novel "Men of Bronze". He's an awesome writer and an expert on Egyptian history. (see Scott's blog and website:

Okay, so do you want to play along with me? Go ahead, it's an easy challenge and kind of fun.


Sam said...

How lovely to have pictures of reece on the wall, and a bird on your shoulder!!
Scott's book looks terrific. I have to get it when I go to NY!

Wynn Bexton said...

For some reason I didn't notice all the comments you've been leaving me here. Yes, my apartment is a little travel museum. My kitchen is all Greece, the living room Morocco and Turkey, the hallway an assortment from Bourbon St., Guatemala to Peru. But the bedroom, most of all, is inspiring, to have those pictures and mementos all around me when I'm lost in Alexander's world.

Re Scott's book: I'm half-way through it now. Lots of killing, blood and guts. Good writing though. And I'm rather impressed with his publisher.