Monday, August 08, 2005


SUNDAY was such a relaxing, fine day. I started out doing several hours of writing, then headed for the beach about 4 p.m. I've been missing out on a lot of beach time this week because I was determined to stick to my decision to write each day. So except for Wednesday, I haven't been out unless it was in the evening (and even then I've stayed home some nights).

I like going down to the beach later in the afternoon when it's not so crowded at the pool and the temperatures are not at their highest. So I had a good long swim, laid back and watched the kids playing on the slide and frolicking with their parents (no whiney little spoiled brat to ruin the peace like there was on Wednesday). Later I went and sat on the beach (acutally wished I'd gone swimming in the sea as the tide was right up). I had a little snack of pears and corn muffins, wrote in my journal, and just enjoyed the scenery: sailboats cruising on the Bay, the last few people enjoying the sun and sand. The Bay is so lovely and I always enjoy my times down there, special times when I am alone and can relax my mind and body.

Then I walked along the seawall and hopped my bus to come home. Got back at 8, just as I'd planned. Sat out on the balcony sipping gingerale while I enjoyed the sunset. Phoned my girlfriend Dinaz in Athens, talked to my son, and had a long chat with my pal Suzaki. Then I made a late dinner: cod in lemon and garlic, broccoli and new potatoes. Delicious! Spent the rest of the evening reading the paper, doing x-words and watching a bit of TV. A nice relaxing way to end a perfectly glorious day!

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